Weather Forecast For East of England

Cold. Mostly dry and cloudy.
This Evening and Tonight:
Generally cloudy overnight but largely dry. Cold, with a risk of one or two very isolated frost and fog patches developing, should there be any clear spells. Winds remaining light. Minimum Temperature 1C.
Cold and rather murky. Widely cloudy, though perhaps a few brighter spells developing in the west during the day. Generally dry but perhaps a few snow grains falling. Maximum Temperature 3C.
Outlook for Sunday to Tuesday:
Cold with variable cloud but some clear or sunny spells through this period. Risk of overnight frosts and some freezing fog patches.
UK Outlook for Wednesday 22 Jan 2025 to Friday 31 Jan 2025:
A transition to a rather more changeable and at times unsettled weather pattern is likely to occur during the first few days of this period. Outbreaks of rain and freshening winds will probably make inroads from the southwest during Thursday ahead of conditions more widely becoming wetter and windier by next weekend. Whilst a milder, wetter and windier scenario is considered most likely, there remains a small chance that colder air from Europe may continue to feed into northern Britain, especially at first, increasing the chance of snowfall here. Towards the end of January, further periods of strong winds and heavy rain are likely to move in from the Atlantic. Whilst generally mild conditions look to close out the month, some large day to day changes in temperature are possible.

Friday's Regional Extremes

Highest Max Temp: Wittering 7.2°C
Lowest Max Temp: Charsfield 4.2°C
Lowest Min Temp: Shoeburyness 2.1°C
Highest Rainfall: Shoeburyness 0.2 mm
Highest Sunshine: Wittering 0.1 hours